Sunday, October 29, 2017

Not Grampa's Prez

No, Pres. Trump is not your grandfather's President. He is the epitome of the phrase "there's a new sheriff in town". Election night in November, 2016, the media and many many talkshow hosts vehementlybroadcasted predictions that Hillary was ahead by double-digit points and was definitely a shoo-in to win the presidency. CNN even went so far as to tell their viewing audience that they can go to bed early that night because by 11:00 PM the call for Hillary winning the presidency would be in.

 For eight years our great country endured how Barack Obama was trying to destroy our great country. I'm not gonna waste my writing time or your reading time by listing all the despicable things Obama did for eight years, but I do want to mention the very last thing he did before leaving office. We all know that the country of Iran  is the leading supporter of the radical Islamic terrorist Muslims that want to overthrow our country and our way of life. So what does Obama do on his exit from the White House? He gave, yes, gave Iran $140 billion in cash, And we all know why it was cash. Because cash would be easier to funnel into the Muslim terrorist groups.

 Immediately after election night the anti-Trump war started, And we all know who fueled the war. The media, the Hollywood elites,  and of course the progressive liberal Democrat party. Even late-night talkshow hosts led by the infamous Stephen Colbert began vicious personal attacks against our President, and even his family. These groups would not just let the election be buried in the past. Lies and false narratives were created, and it seemed that these groups  actually believed they were going to be successful in beating down our President.

For  eight years we had to stand by and watch a spineless lily livered White House occupant never make a decision for the betterment of America.  However, the media, the Hollywood elites, the Liberal Democratic Party, and the group of fake news people didn't count on the strong leadership that Pres. Trump possesses. I actually  have a few liberal Democrat  acquaintances, That strongly and vehemently despise Pres. Trump.  But what I asked them why do they hate them they never talk about his policies they just hated him for personal reasons, because they believed strongly that Hillary should be there president.

 The only legacy that Barack Obama leaves behind is his failed health care plan. Can anyone point to any of Barack Obama's policies that eventually helped and continues to help the American people? Pres. Trump began his own war against the fake news media and  other groups that protested against him, and even threatened to impeach him, even with no legal grounds. Just imagine how things would be in this country today if the media would just start reporting  truthful and factual news rather than fabricated lies.

 It seems the fake news media didn't count on the strong leadership skills of Pres. Trump. He's a man that gets things done. He's a lot like the famous Lee Iacocca whose famous words still ring in many people's ears, lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way. Yes he is criticized for his bombastic  rhetoric at times, but did the media actually think he was going  to just lay down and roll over and let these people walk all over him and destroy him.?We all know Pres. Trump is a man who gets things done and doesn't worry about those who oppose him as he is trying to get things done for the good of the American people.

 Pres. Trump is approaching nine months in office, and let's take a look at the things he's already done,  and these are facts that even Pelosi  and Schumer can't dispute. In less than nine months Pres. Trump is growing the economy by over 3%. The Keystone pipeline is flourishing successfully. There are a million new jobs due somewhat to the fact that Pres. Trump has cut over 1000 EPA regulations. Unemployment is under 4%, the lowest in over 20 years.

 The stock market is now the highest it's ever been in American history, and it is predicted to hit 24,000 by Spring of 2018. Two big steps have been taken by Congress to implement President Trump's  tax reform. Of course the media and the Hollywood elites in the liberal Democratic Party will never  report to the public about these accomplishments.  instead, these groups will just continue to use the only weapons they can, and that his vicious personal attacks against the President and his family.

 However, and this is really a big however, the media didn't take into account how these accomplishments have just increased President Trump's confidence in what he's trying to accomplish for the American people.  The media is beginning to understand that when they take one punch at Pres. Trump he will punch back twice as hard.

 Does anyone really think our President  really cares what the media or the Hollywood elites think of him? So maybe, just maybe people like Colbert, The View, Kimmel, Fallon,  only help to embolden our President's confidence. And just to make it more clear than ever the 63 million Americans  voted Donald Trump  into the White House continue to be his loyal supporters and see beyond the fake news and vicious personal attacks levied against our President.

 Yes it's very clear that Donald J Trump is not your grandfather's president. He's a very strong leader that works very hard for the good of the American people, all American people. If and when the media starts to report their news fairly and honestly Pres. Trump may go down in history as one of our great Presidents. Keep tweeting Mr. President, because  we appreciate the information you give directly to the American people. The media knows they are losing and maybe someday they will wake up to that fact.

 And that's politics with Pete for today.... God bless our country, and our troops.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Couldn't stay away

A few weeks ago I wrote a " farewell blog"  and promised my wife and family members that I was finished writing blogs, But it's so hard to keep my feelings inside since I am a former proud member of the United States Air Force brotherhood, serving from 1954-1958.  Therefore I'm back to respond to the kneelers and the dispecable Congresswoman Wacky Wilson. 

A great guy that I grew up with and played several years of sandlot baseball with got an appointment to West Point, years ago when he was 18. He was a football running back, playing and starring in every game. He  graduated with honors at the age of 22.

 My friend was then promoted to Captain, and then was deployed to Vietnam. He was in Vietnam only a short while when the Viet Cong threw a hand grenade into his Jeep and the explosion killed him. I think of him every day and recently my wife and I visited the Vietnam Memorial moving wall. Of course I shed a tear when I saw his name etched on the wall.  I still wear a wristband to remind me of the sacrifice my friend made, along with thousands of other brave heroes in our wars. 

  Along with my friend  there were thousands of other names etched on the wall. These men and women gave their lives so that all Americans could enjoy the freedoms that we cherish today. Then shortly thereafter spoiled brat complainers in the NFL began their onslaught of disrespect to our country, our flag, our national anthem, and those men and women who sacrificed their lives in all the wars that our country has endured.

It's no secret that over 90% of the NFL kneelers are African-American. Most of them don't even have an idea why they are kneeling during the sacred honoring of our flag, our country, our national anthem, and the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives to protect those kneelers, while giving them the right to take a knee when they want to.

 These NFL kneelers may want to reconsider that  instead of taking a knee to dishonor our country our flag in our servicemen and women, maybe they should take a knee in defiance of all the Black on Black homicides that are occurring every day in our country. The people of Black lives Matter are running rampant in this country protesting what they call social injustice to the African-American community. By the way, 

 Oh I agree wholeheartedly that black lives do matter, so if Black lives matter so much to this organization and to the NFL kneelers why aren't they doing all they can to stop the violent  black on black crimes occurring every day in this country. One just needs to take a look at the daily homicides  in Chicago  and take notice of the percentages of white on black crime versus the Black on Black crime rate.  That's definitely where the focus should be. 

 Why aren't the NFL kneelers and the black lives matter organization going to  the inner city of Chicago to give much-needed support to stop the black on black crimes?  Yesterday, it was reported that approximately 30 NFL players took a knee during our national anthem. I just wonder how many of these kneelers ever wore the uniform, and I wonder how many of these kneelers ever went to Washington DC and walked among the memorials that are dedicated to those brave and corageous men and women who sacrificed their lives for  all of us.  I wondered that if during the national anthem the loudspeakers in the stadiums would switch over to someone  reciting the Lord's prayer. Ever think of how many kneelers we would have then.

 And now we have another Maxine Waters  in a goofy cowboy hat, that during a time when a family is grieving would politicize a condolence telephone call from our president to the grieving widow. This is a horrible disrespectful act not only towards the grieving widow or the fallen soldier, but towards every American especially those of us who wore and still wear the uniform.

 The NFL kneelers, along with the media, and groups like black lives matter, are doing nothing more than helping to destroy themselves from within. This is already been evidenced by the declining attendance at all NFL games. Oh yes,  just as a little side note, all of this stupidity by people like the black lives matter group, the NFL kneelers, and the media are really helping the GOP to retain power in Congress in 2018 and 2020. So maybe us conservatives. Should thank  them.

 And that's Politics with Pete for today. God bless our country, and our troops.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

My farewell Blog

 Well, since this is a first and last for me I want to explain my current reason for this. Due to Parkinson's my hand tremors have increased, and it is become nearly impossible for me to type. Lastly,  and maybe most importantly, I have decided to discontinue publishing any more of my blogs.  I am a strong believer of my conservative values, along with being a staunch supporter of Pres. Trump.

 However I have noticed in my strong exuberance to support my president I have discovered that my pushback against the media the Hollywood elites and the Lib Democrats have become almost as hateful as those entities trying to desecrate my president and his family. I found myself spewing hatred towards these people almost as strongly as they were spewing hatred towards my present, my country, and my flag. 

 This past week as America observed over 200 NFL athletes refusing to honor our flag in our national anthem, I had the great opportunity to visit the Vietnam Memorial movie wall in Madison Ohio. After reviewing the names of our fallen heroes in the Vietnam wall my disdain and yes even hatred towards these NFL players grew stronger and stronger. Then I asked myself what good are you doing harboring all this hatred towards people you don't even know.

 I  realized that my hatred was consuming me and made me know better than the likes of those in the media, Hollywood elites, and the lib Democratic Party. I found myself hating  the likes of Wolfie, Joy, Clooney,  and yes even Stephen Colbert. With the help of my wife and my family I have realized I am spending useless  energy of my time doing a little more than expressing my hatred for these people for their own private beliefs.

 There are 63 million of us American citizens that supported Trump and put him in the White House. Of course you can bet that the media will never interview any of us, pencil ratings and outrageous programming they just want to highlight all the newsgathering hatred that is been amassed by some of these infamous people. I soon discovered that by eating these people I put myself down on their level, and I will not do this any longer.

 I was so very proud as a young 18-year-old in 1954 to volunteer to serve my country for four years, wearing the United States Air Force uniform. I got a chill every time I stood for the national anthem with my hand over my heart and a  big thrill saluting my American flag. I still get a thrill as an 82-year-old man every time I hear the Anthem or see my flag waving. Showing hatred towards groups like black lives matter or any other fascist group just stymies the love and respect I feel for my country and my flag and the military men and women who fight every day to protect.

 I have decided that rather than show hatred and disdain for these hate groups that protest in our streets I want to focus on my love and respect and honor for this great country and for the sacrifices our men and women gave so that we all can enjoy our freedoms and liberties, rather than writing negative blogs against those who I feel do not have a strong conservative and constitutional values that I embrace.

 Yes it's true that you can bet the media will never interview any of us 63 million people who voted for Donald Trump but you can also bet that we 63 million people will be heard loud and clear and just as  strong a voice as those who spew hatred towards our flag, anthem, our Constitution, our flag, and our president.

 Our country is the greatest country  the world has ever known, but we can only continue to be the greatest country by all citizens doing  away with of hatred and violence that now seems to prevail in our great country in many cities. We can and we must stop the hatred that we have for those who disagree with us. How can we teach our children love and respect when we refuse to set the example for them ourselves as adults.

 We need to reteach ourselves as well as our children those values of love, respect, sharing, hope, and caring for each other. 

 And that's politics with Pete for today God bless our country... and our troops