Monday, July 3, 2017

Triple standards?

All of us pro-Trump supporters, the millions of us who voted Donald J. Trump into office despite the chagrin that Crooked Hillary failed miserable in November, 2016 expected many double stands to start coming out of the wood work after the election. In fact, we were so naive that we actually thought the rhetoric would stop or slow down once it reported all the good President Trump has done since January, 2017.

Yes, we expected double standards evidenced by the "pass" the media gave Barry Soetero on everything he said and did. Fast & Furious, Benghazi, $140. billion to Iran, Sgt. Bergdahl's traitorship, ISIS creation, ultra-expensive vacations and golf outings, skipping White House security briefings because Barry slept in till 10:00 every morning....I could write a book.

Of course we pro-Trumpers expected the double standards, where President Trump receives criticism for everything he says, does, and even Tweets.  What we didn't foresee was the birth of the now infamous triple standard.  Of course these scenarios are all born out of vile hatred the media, left wing lib Dems, and hollywood elites have for our President. 

Everyone, including some skeptical Republicans never thought Mr. Trump could beat Crooked Hillary. Does anyone remember on the night of the election when CNN's Cuomo bellowed out, "Folks, you can go to bed early tonight...we'll be calling this for Mrs. Clinton by 11:00 tonight".
It's blatantly obvious that the media, lib Dems, and Hollywood elites are not against our President Trump for introducing new policies.  They're driven by pure hatred.

They openly and overtly display their hatred for only one reason, and one reason only, and that is he defeated Crooked Hillary,  and so they tried to compensate by reporting lies, hatred, and personal attacks on President Trump  and his family. So the double standards is easy enough to explain, so let's talk about the third standard, the "ratings standard".

The ratings standard is very simple to understand, while helping us see the ineptness and fake news that comes from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, and WAPO.  The CEO's of these networks are falling so deep in their ratings they have told their reporters, and news anchors, "forget about truthful news, just keep reporting the stuff that's gonna help our ratings like Russian collision, and anything else the public will tune in for, whether it's truthful or not".

We "deplorables" and Pro-Trumpers are adamently supporting tweeting by our President. Can you really criticize him? Our President is using social media to connect directly to the American people. The media and our illustreous Hollywood elites really believe that Americans "hang on their every word", and that is the furthest parable from the truth. 

The media and H/wood elites wanted a war with the President. Well, they got one, and boy are they losing the war. Currently, they are leading a battle to remove the President from office, because of his remarks about Mika Brezenski's "chin & cheek repair job". Let's take a look at some of the hateful fake news media comments, along with comments from our Hollywood elites.

MSNBC's Mika and Joe says our Pres. is mentally unbalanced and has dementia. A guest anchor on MSNBC wants to "meet Trump on the schoolyard for a fight". MSNBC's token transgender, Rachel Maddow claims, "It's time for Trump to be taken out". John Cusack wants our President, "assassinated and buried". Johnny Depp says "the President is crazy and needs medical evaluation and help".

Mika Brezenski also reported that she "knows" Melanie Trump, and "is unhappy, and will be leaving Trump after Barron grows up". Even though there is no basis for this blantant lie Mika still reported that on national TV. There is so much hatred hurled at our President and his family that it's extremely disrespectful and yes, even comical because their tirades are unfounded and Americans see right through it. The View has even gone after Mr. and Mrs. Trump's sex life with some pretty vile and false stories that have no validity at all.

Doesn't the media and Hollywood elites know by now that if you take a swing at President Trump, he's coming back with two swings. And we deplorables and Pro-Trumpers love it.
All this hatred, vitriol, lies, and personal attacks while ignoring the great thing President Trump has done in just six months is just fuel for Americans to make sure President Trump stays in office eight years. 

Keep punching back Mr. President, and keep communicating to us on social media. This 82-year old with tremors and Parkinson's is just as powerful as Michael Moore or George Clooney   when I step in the voting booth. We got your back Mr. President.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

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