Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Hillary? Really?

Hillary? Really? Are we Americans going to allow this corrupt, lying un-american to become the leader of the free world? When you use the term "leader of the free world" it seems just about impossible to link that title to this woman that truthfully belongs in prison.

This woman has been a disaster her entire public life, even as far back as when she was 27 years old and was fired from her lawyer duties on the Watergate scandal. It was about the time she defended a rapist for raping a 12-year old. Due to a loop hole in the system then Crooked Hillary got the defendant off free with no charges.

Later, she was overheard laughing saying, "I knew he was guilty....but I got him off anyway...great huh"? She has always claimed to be a big supporter of women, but for the past several years facts have emerged that reflect Hillary is only a big supporter of Hillary.

This woman has accomplished absolutely NOTHING  her entire public life. Being Slick Willy's wife, and enabling him throughout his presidency has her feeling she's entitled to the Presidency. Instead of leaving a man that made a mockery out of the institution of marriage, this woman actually attacked the women that Slick Willy had affairs with.

Jennifer Flowers, Juanita Brodrick, Kathleen Willey, Monica Lewinsky and who knows how many more were disgraced by HillaryWhen Hillary got done with 21-year old Monica Lewenski, and with the help of the media, Monica was made out to be a horrible, evil, sex fiend who went after Slick Willy.  Ever wondered how many more sex scandals were covered up involving Bill Clinton.

At Andrews Air Force Base, upon the return of the four slain Americans at Benghazi, this corrupt woman stoop over the four caskets of these fallen heroes, hugged the families, and proclaimed the raid on Benghazi was due to an anti-Muslim video. 

Later that day Hillary emailed the President of Egypt and her own daughter Chelsea telling them that it wasn't a video. It was a terrorist attack that incited the deaths of our Americans. And to this day we still don't know the whereabouts of President Obama and Hillary at the time these Americans were being slaughtered by terrorists. This tragic event happened just a few weeks before the 2012 election.  It's ironic that crooked Hillary sent out an ad about the 3 A.M. phone call, because we don't know where in the hell she was during the Benghazi slaughter. 

There are facts against this corrupt woman that she accepted huge donations from some countries that are terrorist supporters in return for "favors" by then Secretary of State Hillary. 
Supposedly these donations were to go to the Clinton "charity", but it was soon discovered that the majority of these "charity" donation funds went directly into Hillary's personal coffers.

And now this crooked and corrupt woman is under investigation for her treasonous acts of sending and receiving classified emails on her private email server. This investigation is now ongoing while she continues to lie openly about these treasonous acts.  

Crooked and corrupt Hillary has made strong declarations that she will even use executive power to take our 2nd Amend. rights away from us. With Ginsberg retiring from the Supreme Court, along with Scalia's death she would appoint two Supreme Court justices that will be so far left our entire Constitution will be under horrific attack. 

We can't elect someone under FBI investigation for so many violations against our Constitution.  The media is still "carrying the water" for this treasonous woman. One CNN anchor said that Hillary could even beat Trump if she's in a prison cell.  I guess her supporters are willing for Hillary to follow another crook into our White House.

Think seriously about our country before you cast your vote in November. She can't be elected just because she's a woman. What qualifications are those? Don't vote for her. She belongs in prison, not leading our country.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops.
(Pls. follow me on my YouTube videos, Politics with Pete)

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