Monday, May 16, 2016

Here we go!

While we all bask in the glorious news that in only 249 days our great country will  be rid of a radical Islamist sympathizer, we begin to think of who is going to replace him. Do we believe the bloviating lies that Crooked Hillary, the press, and most of the left-wing media are saying about Trump, or do we believe the FACTS surrounding the Clinton scandals?

Many Republican did not pick Trump for their initial choice to run on the GOP ticket. In fact most Republican supporters didn't pick Trump  at all. However, he is now our presumptive GOP candidate, and it's time to measure, not only Trump vs. Hillary, but let's focus on who they're bringing with them.

First thing Hillary is going to do is bring a Muslim Brotherhood member, Huma Abedin, with her giving her advice to  the corrupt queen. Of course Huma is gonna have her Weiner with her.
You remember the sex texting machine don't you? Ah, then there's Slick Willy. He'll be traveling around getting donations from terrorist sympathizing leaders, so the Clintons can fill their "rainy day" coffers.

And let's not forget dear sweet Chelsea. When it comes to supporting her mother's views she's actually militant and threatening. On national TV Chelsea bragged that her mother was going to bring down the NRA, and try to revise, maybe repeal the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution.

The corrupting scandals surrounding the Clinton "machine" is overwhelming; Benghazi lies, email treasonous activity, improper filtering of the Clinton Global Initiative donations to fund herself and her supporters. And how does Crooked Hillary respond? She attacks Trump's past, even when he was in college, and when he wasn't marriage.

Hillary must know that most women would rather be married and divorced ten times than being married to a womanizer that had countless affairs while married. Hillary is even enabling Slick Willie about her sexual exploits with underage girls.  I bet the Slickster and his new buddy 
The Weiner are already planning Oval Office wild orgies. 

In addition to Huma Abedin, Hillary, if elected, will have s Cabinet full of many corrupt left wing progressives that are bent on attacking hard working Americans to pay for the entitlement people's welfare status, so she can continue to control them as Barry has done for the past eight years. Much like the little mustache man did in Germany in the '30's.

Under a presidency under Crooked Hillary I can visualize Boxer and Pelosi appointed to the Supreme Court vacancies. I can visualize Sharpton as Home Land Security chief, or head of the DOJ. Who do you think she'll appoint as Secretary of State? Probably Schemer or Durbin. Chrissy Mathews or Rachel Maddow will be her press secretary....maybe Maher.

I like the presumptive Trump choices for cabinet positions; Christie or Gowdy for Attorney General, Giuliani or Allen as Home Land Security chief, General Keene as Military Chief of Staff; how about Pete Hegsteth as Nat'l. Security Advisor? There are so many better choices for cabinet members under Trump than Crooked Hillary.

We must remember that Americans will be the deciders in November about who will lead our country, and giving them the permission to make decisions that will effect us for decades to come, including who they appoint to their staffs. This is a great responsibility for all of us. We must not misuse it. Hillary is not entitled to be the president. She sure hasn't earned it.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos Politics with Pete)

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