Friday, December 14, 2012

Today we must pray

There's no "Politics with Pete" today. Suddenly fiscal cliffs, budgets, unemployment, national debt don't have much meaning for me today.

My wife and I have nine grandchildren; ranging from college to first grade ages. We all lost so much more than the lives of those beautiful twenty angels. Our country lost the future hopes, desires, ambition, and love from these children. Along with the young children and adults we were all murdered today.

I have tears as I type this, between my wife and I consoling each other. Just last night we talked to our grandson in college. I called under the guise of checking to see if he got our card with a few bucks for his Christmas break. But he knew my wife and I called just to hear his voice and find out he's OK, and wish him a blessed Christmas break from school.

Today, I can't help but think and pray for those grandparents of the twenty slain young students who will not be able to talk to their grandchildren today. Grandparents who have Christmas presents wrapped, but no grandchildren to give them to.

Radio and TV shows have many guest psychiatrists on their programs today, and all are asked the infamous question, "Why"? All the psychiatrists agree that no one really can fathom why a deranged young man, twenty years old, would walk into a school with two semi-automatic weapons and open fire on twenty students and six adults.

All agree that the parents, grandparents, and everyone associated with these young angels will never fully recover from their grieving. They will only survive if and when they learn that they can and will have to live with the horrific grief.

Three years before I was born my parents lost their son, my brother whom I'm named after, to a crazed driver. Years later my mother told me an hour never passes without her thinking of him. She told me that everything I did growing up reminded her of her lost son.

The children lost today will never be forgotten by their families and friends, and they must never be forgotten by us. Get on your knees and pray, light a candle in church, do whatever your religion wants you to do to praise them.  

Another great idea is to call them right now, and say, "No reason to call....just wanted to say I love you". Believe me they'll know why you're really calling.

We now have twenty more angels in heaven helping God celebrate Christmas for all of us.

God bless our country....and all our children.

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