Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ramblin' Man

Did anyone else see the press conference Mr. Obama held today? You know, the one with Gaffer Biden standing next to him with that look on his face that said, "what am I doing here"?

Has there ever been a more thin-skinned White House resident? Press corpse newsman Jake Tapper asked him "where have you been"?, regarding there has been four gun violence shootings since Mr. Obama has been in office. Mr. Obama has a standard reply as he stands  in front of  grievers, "we must stop these tragedies, and I will see to it that it stops".  His only reply to newsman Tapper was "I've been busy being the President". Wow, what an answer.

The problem Mr. Obama is you have done nothing about anything since 2008 when you took office. All you've succeeded in is convincing your welfare-freebie base that you will continue to take money from working Americans, and pass it on to them.  You are economically destroying our great country.

You cannot offer any substantial cuts to reduce our deficit. You count as not going to war a deficit cut. Have you calculated that any "Alice in Wonderland" cut that you propose does not even cover the interest on our national debt? 

Today in your press conference you even had the audacity to say the Republicans must pass your tax increase proposal because the Newtown, CT massacre should help us all put things in proper perspective, and pass your tax increase.

You did nothing more for the American people than to ramble on and on when asked about the fiscal debt crisis. You're trying to sell us your tax increases by blaming Storm Sandy, the recession, and even the Newton, CT massacre. You made no sense at all. Just rambling on and on, believing that we were hanging on your every word. The truth is we couldn't understand anything you were rambling on about.

You have already damaged the working class Americans by raising the debt ceiling to $16.Trillion. You have increased welfare to nearly 50 million Americans. Yet, you say your tax increase won't pass because you say the Republicans "don't like me",to quote you.  Are you really that narcissistic to believe you are more important than the American people? You are willing to let the American people suffer than compromise with Republicans.

Starting with Obamacare and ending with General Motors and all the energy companies you gave our taxpayers' money to, you have proven you have the infamous "reverse Midas touch".
Everything you touch turns to rust.  

You should be impeached over the way you handled the Benghazi massacre. You refuse to discuss it with the American people.  When you add to that your refusal to call the Fort Hood massacre a terrorist attack you really have people wondering if you are nothing more than a Muslim sympathizer.

Your only legacy is you will go down as the very worst White House resident this country has ever known.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country....and our troops.


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