Saturday, January 25, 2020

No more...

Ever since President Trump decided to begin his campaign to become our 45th. President the crazy liberal left has tirelessly been trying to remove him from office. And what is President Trump doing while he and his family are being attacked by the liberal Socialist Dems? Well, he's creating jobs, cutting taxes, unemployment among minorities are the lowest it's ever been, nearly 200  Federal judges appointed, 3.5% overall unemployment, border wall being built,  and highest record-breaking stock market.

The Socialist Dems, along with their strong support from the media, talk show hosts, and failing has-been Hollywooders are becoming more frusreated every day, as they are realizing more than ever before that none of these narrow minded Dems have not been able to change the minds of any of us 63 million that will assure President Trump of four more years. Face it Dems; the needle ain't movin', no matter what your fake news say.

I mean, really, does the DNC really belive the likes of Sleepy Low energy Biden, Socialist Sanders, Pocohantas Warren, and Alfred E. Neuman can beat President Trump this November? Socialist Dems know the only distraction they can cling to is their hopeless impeachment scam. Nutty Nancy Pelosi already knows the Senate will vote to dismiss these  absurd allegations. 

And just what is President Trump doing while all this sham is going on? Oh not much. He just signed a Phase I trade agreement with China benefiting American agriculture by billions every year. He also signed a non-partisan trade bill, USMCA, bebefiting the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Wow, this really seems like a duly elected President that deserves to be thrown out of office.

Pencil Neck is so afraidthe impeachment charges will be dismissed in the Senate that he is now resorting to openly fabricating lies and suppositions. Pencil Neck's cohorts Penguin Nadler is calling our President a 'King', 'Monarch', 'Ruler', 'Dictator', etc. But who's going to call them on it? Our beloved media? What a joke!  Can you imagine an elected member of the House of Representatives stating on national TV that he heard something on CBS, with a follow up of I don't know if that's true or not'. Can you imagine if a Republican had said thad that?

Democrats are so afraid of the truth, and are so desperately fearful that President Donald J. Trump will be reelected that they admit if they don't remove him with falsehoods, lies, and slanders he will be reelected this November. Oh, if only the media, and the Socialist Dems would just concede the 2016 election and maybe even the 2020 election. Just maybe they should focus on the 2024 election. They know they're dead this November. 

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Fox News...Really?

I get teased, ridiculed, verbally insulted, and even screamed at on a daily basis. Why? Mainly because I proudly profess that I'm a Fox News "junkie". Yes, I rely on them, and of course I don't agree with everything Fox does. For example I would like to see Fox rid themselves of Chris Wallace and Judge Napolitano. They finally saw the light and shuffled Shep Smith off to CNN. CEO Jeff Zucker already says he's going to hire Shep. Well CNN should take stock of their all-time low ratings and try to improve them.

Isn't it ironic that since Pres. Trump even began his campaign in 2015 CNN began their barrage of never-ending lies and personal attacks on Pres Trump and his family.  Now it's easy to see what those actions has done to CNN. Currently CNN is suffering its worst ratings and viewing followers since the fake news network's beginning. Please note that MSNBC is almost right on par with CNN.

The fake news media are mainly fueled by their hatred towards our President.  Other than the 63 million of us that will once again vote our President Trump back into the White House for another four years, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC were so positively sure Crooked Hillary was going to be their 45th. President.  It's actually pretty comical. We all know that Fox News Network is the number one news outlet. That means simply that more people tune into Fox for the news they can rely on to be truthful and factual.

But the Socialist Dems won't admit that Fox is the leader in delivering news to the American people. Wish I had a dollar for every time a Socialist Dem refused to have a decent and mild debate with me and my conservative views. Their standard answer, especially when they are losing the debate, is always "Oh you just watch Fox news". I have a family member that I love very much. She's a convert from Catholicism to Atheism, considers herself a Socialist. She refuses to have any discussion on our differences, and when I tease her about Trump's success she gets angry and refuses to engage in any conversation, and at times storms out.

Former president and Kenyan Muslim Barry Soetero authorized 2,800 drone strikes in the middle east with some citizen collateral damage. Barry did this without any congressional authority. Then, before Barry left office he had $150Billion in cash on pallets delivered to the leading terrorist supporting country Iran. And he did this with no congressional authority.

So, a few days ago President Trump authorizes the drone killing of one of the world's most evil terrorist, Soleimani from Iran. This evil man was responsible for the deaths of thousand Americans. President Trump was concerned that some congressional D.C. lawmakers could leak information of the assault to the Iranians. President Trump openly said he was concerned leaks could eminate from "the squad" directly to Iran. President Trump's other concern was Adam Schiff would leak information to a news outlet.

The White House, along with 63 million supporters of Mr. Trump, praised him for his successful elimination of this evil terrorist.  However, the fake news media, led by CNN, MSNBC, and the Hollywood "D" listers began thie assault on Mr. Trump.  According to them President Trump killed a man that 'was loved by his troops', 'often read poetry to his troops', was touted by the media 'as a man like Degaulle from France', 

Uninformed idiots in the media and the entertainment industry are the masters of hypocrisy and double standards. They continue to lambaste this President for his historic decision to eliminate a vicious evil monster, who was a friend of the former Muslim President from Kenya.
It's hard to believe that we have idiots in the entertainment industry that actually apologized to Iran.

Doesn't this prove that our President, who has done so much for us, is hated by these people more than they love our country?  Don't worry Mr. Trump these stupid irrelevant idiots are not changing any one's mind. I know of 63 million Americans have your back. Tell our beautiful First Lady to start making plans now for the November White House celebration. We will never let you down. And thank you Fox News.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops