Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Badass Trump!

Yes, President Trump is a bad ass, and I'm proud to be one of the 63 million that put him where he America's White House. After 8 years of Barry Soetero and his husband it's so refreshing, invigorating, and hopeful to see a President that pushes back on the media, elites, and entire Democratic Socialist Party. And he does this by keeping the promises he made on the campaign trail in 2016. Even the Dem Socialist Party are borrowing his slogan, "Promises Made-Promises Kept"

He is not backing down at all from doing all he can for this great country, regardless of what his critics say. He continues to move forward doing all he can to repair the years of damage Soetero did to us. Americans should take a long hard review of why President Trump calls the media the "enemy of the people". Just hours ago the infamous NY Times posted an article that the WH lawyer was going to Mueller with evidence that could impeach Mr. Trump.

Truth is the lawyer was instructed by the President to meet with Mueller. The lawyer spoke highly of the President and reaffirmed there was no Russian collusion with Russia and then-candidate Trump. But the NY Times offered no correction or apology for printing such a lying false article. Of course there are many, many stories of lies perpetuated by the media and the "elites", but President Trump shows no sign of ever backing away from these lying malcontents.

They couldn't slow him down by attacking his policies, so they decided to personally attack him and his family, and he still wouldn't bend an inch to them. Instead he just let the media, Hollywood elites, and the Socialist Party have threat insults returned with both barrels. Of course the personal attacks on him and his family failed to slow this great man in proving every day he works for us.

He was chastised for insulting dogs when he called Omorosa a dog. Yet it was OK for Colbert to call him a c**k-sucker on nationaaal TV. It seemed OK when George Lopez wanted to pimp out our First Lady Melania. How about Madonna wanting to blow up our White House. Peter Fonda wants to put Barron Trump in a cage of pedophilles. Always seems to be freedom of speech when the left says horrible things, but when the President pushes back he's a racist.

How can anyone blame our President from tweeting?  I hope he continues, because it is truly the most honest avenue to get the correct news to the American people. I'm amazed the media cries and whines while they have given, and continues to report 92% negativity loaded with lies towards the President. The "never-Trumpers have ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC turning on all their faucets of hatred to Mr. Trump. 

Of course the media, Hollywood elites, and the Dem Socialist Part are driven by pure hatred for this man, nothing more. It's going on two years and they still can't recover from Crooked Hillary's loss to Mr. Trump. Nothing for them to do but continue their hatred. The personal attacks haven't worked, so now the Socialist Party has degraded themselves even further by now attacking our own great country by bloviating that "America was never that great". Don't tell me the Socialist Party is patriotic.  I seem to recall that in 2009 Barry Soetero after his election visited many countries with the same sentiment that we weren't a special country, and we had many faults.

Mr. President, they're calling you evil even with all you've accomplised in less than two years, so I'll close with please keep being evil and keep on tweeting. I know of 63Million that have your back.

That's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country, our President, and our troops/

Friday, August 3, 2018

Why Fox News??

A few days ago I was having lunch with some family members, two of which are very staunch Democrats and Trump haters. So I asked them "why do you hate Trump so much"? Their answers ranged from "bigotry, corruption, lying, among other things". However, when I asked them to give me examples of President Trump's "lying, corruption, and bigotry", they couldn't produce a single scenario.

So I asked where my dear family members received all their news, and their answer was unanimous, "well, we certainly don't watch Fox News".  I saw this as a profound opening. I then asked where did they get their news.  And what was ironic was none wanted to admit they watched MSNBC or CNN. Later on though they dropped names like Maddow, Blitzer. Reed, Matthews, Tapper, and Anderson.

The point in this is that most all Dem liberals form their opinions from news they receive from the left Dem media. When no one at lunch could offer a truthful and valid reason for their disrespect and dislike of our President, they started on the personal attacks against Mr. Trump and his family. It was hard to comprehend where their justifications eninated from. When one of my family members said he actually believed Michell Obama (Michael L. Robinson) was more beautiful than FLOTUS Melania Trump.  Their justification: "Michelle is on the cover of every fashion magazine, and that refugee from Czech land can't even get on one magazine cover". It was then I realized I was in very unfriendly waters.

Of course, being a conservative who believes in President Trump's accomplishment, I cited all the positive accomplishments of this man in just 19 months, mainly lower taxes, job growth, 4.1 GDP,  average of 220,00 jobs added every month, and 3.9% unemployment.  After a few short moments of silence from my family members the personal attacks against President. Trump and his family resumed, just spewing out their diatribes of hate. 

After 8 years of a spineless jelly-fish in our White House who put down our great country every chance he got we finally have a President that is putting America first. Of course he's bombastic, loud, opinionated, but take a look at what's doing and what he's brought to us in just 19 months. When I started to brag about 3.9% unemployment the only retort I got from my Democrat Socialist family members was, "Oh, you watch too much Fox."

As lunch was winding down I got my last chance to ask my favorite question: "OK, so what's the Dem's message for the 2018 and 2020 elections to persuade us to vote for your party?" At this point, two family members abruptly jumped up from their seats and vociferously said, "We're outta here". It was clear they had no message supporting their party. By the way, has anyone ever seen a happy Democrat Socialist?

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.