Yesterday while watching a jornalist on TV, that I respect very much, he remarked "When you hear a broadcaster or journalist remark 'I'm hearing snippets that......". you can bet that thery're abou to broadcast a fabricated and untruthful comment. This respected journalist went on to say, "Another of my favorites are 'unnamed sources'". When the media starts off with these comments you can bet a lie or fabricated untruth is about to follow.
These media outlets, and you know who they are, ranging from the New York Times to maybe the worst of all, CNN. Two days ago I was in my Doctor's receptionist room waiting for my appointment and had to watch CNN news on the TV. It's becoming clear that the majority of the media are much more interested in ratings than they are reporting the news with honesty and integrity.
And guess who the media "solicits" to help them with their ratings agenda? Yeah, they actually think we normal common, 'deplorables' will hang on every word that these elites and athletes have to say. They think that by listening to the likes of Clooney, Handler, Whoopi, Joy, etc., are going to swoon us over to their stupid lib Dem values?
Look at it objectively, you stupid Lib Dems have ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, MSNBC, and CNN to carry the fake news for you. You idiots all pat yourselves on the back, rally around each other, and vomit over all the ridiculous misreporting that the media reports, not caring if any of it is true, just as long as it's "juicy" and lying gossip about President Trump and his family.
Why does the media keep forgetting about us 63 million that voted for President? You know they'll never want to talk to us normal, everyday, hard-working 'deplorables'. Of course it's more entertaining to watch and listen to a "Clooney" than the deplorable boring electrician or school teacher from middle America, but wouldn't it be great if the media would begin interviewing the 63 million of us that voted for Mr. Trump?
What the stupid media seems to forget that on voting day I am just as powerful as any leftist lib Dem when I walk into that voting booth, and know that us mediocre 63 million will still be around supporting our President in 2018 and again in 2020. There's a millionaire pro basketball player voicing his uneducated stupid opinions about our President. Then he says he's going to continue because, "Society wants me to speak out".
So to all you elite Hollywood people, and you arrogant uneducated athletes why don't you do what WE Americans want you to do....Shut up and...(sing, act, dance, dribble and throw). You really should because your ratings and fan support is falling to the basement. Wake up you idiots. And by the way that 63 million that voted for President Trump is going to be over 65 million in 2020. Do some vetting rather that reporting snippets and unnamed sources.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.