Friday, January 12, 2018

So now he's dumb?

Could someone please explain the lib Dem current philosophy to me.  First, candidate Trump rigged the election with Putin's help. The media and Hollywood elites stoked the fires to the point that a special investigation, led by Mueller, ensued. Of course it was determined there was no collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Next came the "war" between President Trump and the media, Hollywood, and the lib Dems based on lies and personal attacks against the President and his family. We all know the fires of the war were stoked by people like Behar, Colbert, the gangs at CNN and MSNBC. These groups could not and will still not accept that Crooked Hillary lost, and lost big time.

Then, led by Dems Watters and Greene, a bill was attempted to be introduced to impeach President Trump. Of course that failed. But of course that didn't stop the relentless attacks on our President and his family. Even the book of pure fiction by a virtually unknown did nothing to stop, or even slow down President Trump's momentum.

And as the attacks kept coming President Trump pushed back attacking the fake news press by taking his messages straight to the American people through social media. Yet these groups have the audacity to tell President Trump to stop using social media. Has the press given any thought to reporting the news truthfully and with integrity? Maybe the tweeting would stop. This Pressident wants the honest and truthful news to reach the American people. Can anyone really blame Mr. Trump for wanting truthful news to reach Americans/

Now, with all these attacks just what is our President accomplishing? Well, we've had the lowest tac cut ever in American history. The stock market has risen to the highest it has ever been. Unemployment is at 4.1%, and African-American employment is the lowest it's ever been in history. Our GDP is steady at 3% for consecutive sessions. ISIS is virtually decimated. For every EPA regulation introduced 22 of Obama's regulations were abolished.

Then came the onslaught of the media and elites comparing Mr. Trump to Hitler. When that didn't work President Trump was then brutally attacked for being the king of Twitter. I'm old enough to remember FDR's "Fireside Chats" on the radio. Most of us 63 million 'deplorables' hope that President Trump continues to tweet. This is his best way to bypass the fake news media and take his message straight to the American people.

All of these lies and false accusations perpetrated from the media and elites still fell short. So what have these groups resorted to? Now they're saying he's mentally unfit to be our President. We 63 million 'deplorables' just reply, "If Mr. Trump is mentally unfit after accomplishing all these things in less than a year....we hope he stays "unfit". " And by the way how come none of us 63 million are ever interviewed? 

Of course President Trump is bombastic, very quick to push back vehemently against the fake media, and many times gets very outspoken. This successful man amassed a worth of over $5.Billion, and yet stupid uninformed people still think he's unfit. He's certainly not a spineless jellyfish like the last guy we had. And while the media would never tell you, there were many Americans who wondered just how much Barry and his husband Michael really loved our country. Remember trannie Michellse/Michael was the one that said, "All this for a dam flag", at a yearly commemoration at the World Trade Center. Does anyone doubt how much President Trump loves this country, and wants to put us on top where we belong.

All I can say (write) now is a prayer to God, "Dear Lord please make me as mentally unfit as President Trump....I'd like to make $5.Billion".

And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God bless our country and our troops.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Are you a Dem or what?

Republican? Democrat? Independent? When is that decision made that declares what political party you will support? Where did we get the information that helped us decide? Growing up as the son of an immigrant I always heard my father saying president Herbert Hoover caused the depression that America suffered in the 30s. Dad then went on to explain Pres. Franklin Delano Roosevelt got us out of the depression, and was the hero of the working class. And so as a young boy I grew up believing that, cause Dad said so.

I remember when I was ten years old in 1945 and saw my mom crying while ironing clothes. I asked what was wrong, and she said, "President Roosevelt died today". We got our news then the same way we get it today.... from the media. We listen to the powerful media and we formulate our beliefs from the media information we receive.  And now the tragedy seems  that were beginning to fall away from believing the media and what they tell us.

 Wouldn't it be nice to go back to the days of Walter Cronkite. When he,  Edward R Murrow, Huntley and Brinkley, and Gabriel Heater reported the news  we believe that to be true because they said so.  Today we are becoming cautious to believe anything that the mainstream media tells us. TV news anchors, late-night talk show hosts,  and even Hollywood elites. We are even expected to believe TV anchors that call themselves journalists, when they are nothing more than liars give their opinions to boost their ratings. I'm referring to people like Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Lawrence O'Donnell, and the gang at CNN. They have become the National Inquirer of political news.

 Most of us Americans have no political experience at all, I don't understand how the swamp in DC works. So we take the word of the media, and when they tell us something we want to believe it's true. When these news outlets of the mainstream media broadcast something that we think just might be true or might alignment itself to our beliefs we consider that gospel. We seem to want to believe what they tell us.

 Ever since Crooked Hilary lost the election last year the mainstream media is gone on a tirade against our president, Donald J Trump. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC keep spewing lies and personal attacks against our president and God forbid if you don't believe everything they say. Maybe one of the best examples of that started on election day November, 2016. All the networks wanted us to believe that Hillary was ahead in the polls by double digits. We all know that outcome.

 When I was growing up I firmly believed I was a Democrat because dad told me the Democrats were for the working people. I even voted for John F. Kennedy when I was 24 years old. By the way that's the last Democrat I ever voted for. Today John F. Kennedy be considered a Republican. You must admire our current President Donald J. Trump.  The fake news media continues to attack him from all sides. 

However, the fake news media keeps forgetting the large and loyal tool Mr. Trump has in its arsenal; an arsenal that the media refuses to talk about. It's the 63 million of us 'deplorables' that elevated Donald J. Trump to the White House. And by the way media  we 63 million will be there for him in 2018, and 2020. First, the media kept reporting fake news about the Russian collusion. That failed, so they started to report that the Mueller investigation was finding how corrupt Mr. Trump is. Even former Screaming" Howard Dean repord on MSNBC that our President is running a crime ring inside the White House.

All of the accusations were found to be baseless, but that didn't stop the media from broadcasting and printing fake news, while inserting evil personal attacks against Mr. Trump and his family, including his 11-year old son that Joy Bear claimed to be retarded. All this, and still continues to fight for the American people.

The media, Hollywood elites, and the lib Dem party won't tell you that we now have the biggest tax cut in history over 2 million jobs created, 40 companies are handing out bonuses due to tax cuts,s ock market is the highest its ever been, our military is getting its much needed arms support, unemployment is at 4.1%.

It has become overwhelming at times the way the media, elites, and the stupid lib Dems continue to throw hatred at the President. Their new wave now is that President Trump iw "mentally unfit" to run our country. Well after doing all these positive things for our country this blatant attacks this groups are showing their own stupidity. 

All these hateful groups are just flooding the airwaves with their hatred, and they seem to forget that despite all the lies and hate they continue to spread, they forget about the 63 million of us. No, we don't have a way to the media to correct them, but the media, elites, and the lib Dems should be aware of our power in the voting booth.

We 63 million don't care what these ridiculious groups have to say. We're not stupid as Pelosi says. The fake news media screams because President Trump tweets so much. Well media, here's an idea. Start reporting the news with honesty and integrity and just maybe our President will stop tweeting. Remember, you started this war.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops.