Thursday, June 22, 2017

Haven't learned yet huh?

We all know the definition of crazy is when you keep repeating the same failed scenarios  over and over while expecting a different outcome each time. As a strong conservative Republican I'm hoping the failing lib Dem party continues there hateful attack on President Trump and his administration as it just makes us stronger, plus the American people are seeing right through their hateful rhetoric.

But I have to admit I'm still curious why the lib Dems continue to act like drunken Italian chefs throwing cooked pasta against the wall hoping some of it sticks to the wall.  All during the lib Dem campaign for Crooked Hillary they kept parading Hollywood elites in the face of Americans hoping to convince them to vote for Crooked Hillary.

We all know the outcome. Did the lib Dems, along with the Hollywood elites and their fawning media actually think the likes of these elites were going to convince any American to "follow them" into the failing abyss of the Dem party and message of Crooked Hillary?

Think about it. There's John and Jane Doe sitting at the kitchen table trying to stretch their finances to get through another month, while desperately planning on how they're going to send their three children to college. Does anyone think Jay-Z, Beyonce, George Clooney, Whoopi Goldberg, etc., are going to sway them to their way of thinking? Don't think so.

So what did the losing lib Dem party do after the November, 2016 election? The hatred of President Trump not only continued, but the lib Dems actually cranked up their stupid definition of "crazy"with their on-going hatefull  attacks on President Trump, his entire administration, even his family. Wouldn't you think the lib Dems and the Hollywood elites would've learned by now that showing hatred alone does no good at all.

But no...the Hollywood elites, along with the media, continue with their vitriolic hatred and lies
while even some Dems are urging them to "back off" because it's been proven the display of hatred is doing much more harm than good. I mean, really, take a good long look while listening to Whoopi Goldberg's rantings. First, she goes to Omar-the-tent-maker to get her wardrobe, then shaves half her head, and she wants us to take gospel on what she bloviates. 

Just what political expertise do these Hollywood elites have? Someone puts words on paper, then these elites read it in front of a camera, and we're supposed to follow their every word like puppy dogs when they swear and lie with their hatred.  Lib Dems continue to show disrespect for Americans by constantly doing nothing but showing hatred for President Trump. 

When it comes to leading our country with ideas and policies to make our country great again what makes these Hollywood elites think they know more than the average American? The lib Dems want us to be impressed so much by the elites that we'll do and vote just like they want us to. Yeah, right. Wouldn't it be great to put all these elites in a large room and give them a Political Science quiz? Without a screen writer to write down the words for them they have absolutely no knowledge of anything political.

Face it folks, the lib Dems have no message, no new policies to introduce, and actually they also have no leader. Who are they going to run in 2020? The lib Dems are so uncreative and actually stupid they think the only avenue they can take is to have the Hollywood elites get on their stages or in front of microphones to spew out nothing more than hatred. 

I just hope the stupid lib Dems continue doing what they're doing now. It just emboldens the GOP, and helping President Trump win another election.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos Politics with Pete)

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The Uniform

I still get a swell of pride when I think back to February, 1954, at the age of 18 (yes, I'm 82) when I raised my right hand, pledged, and committed to four years of my life to the United States Air Force. When I talk to many of my friends that wore The Uniform  I get the same respnse of pride when talking about their own particular military lives and stories.

I also remember what my first squadron commander said, "You may never see any combat in your four USAF years, but that doesn't mean you won't if ordered to". Like so many other men/women who served before and those in the future we all honored our military commitment, along with honoring our flag and National Anthem. We pledged that if called upon we would go into combat, or wherever we were ordered to serve our country. 

When I see someone refusing to stand for our National Anthem or the Pledge to our flag I harbor a feeling deep inside me that screams aloud in my brain, I bet they never wore The Uniform. Any man/woman who was ever honored and privileged enough to serve in the military for our country just would never kneel  during our National Anthem or would never desecrate our flag and what it symbolizes. 

I'm 82, and if asked today to put my Air Force uniform on and serve I'd fly into my crawl space to look for a dusty old uniform that I'm sure wouldn't fit anymore, but I guarantee my heart would be right there, and so would millions of my fellow veterans. There may a few misfit vets out there, but has anyone ever seen anyone who wore The Uniform kneel during the Anthem or refuse to pledge to the flag. 

George Clooney, Madonna, Ashley Judd, Chelsea Handler, Rachel Maddow, Whoopi Goldberg, Samuel Jackson, Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews, Jessee Jackson, Michael Moore,  Amy Schemer, Colin Kaepernik, Joy Behar, Bill Maher, Steve Colbert, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Joy Reid, Nose Streisand, Bruce Screamsteen, Katy Perry, Jimmy Kimmel, Labron James, Pocohantus Warren, Max Kellerman, Stephen Smith etc., OK can I stop now? Oh, I could go on adding to this elite list, but you get my point.

What do all of these elites mentioned above have in common? Not a single one of them ever wore The Uniform . No, but you can bet they spend most of their air time speaking out against our country, our flag, and our honored National Anthem, and we all know this is based on their hatred of our President.  Thousands upon thousands of men/women made the ultimate sacrifice  in America's wars without even knowing any of the elites mentioned above. 

Our flag and our National Anthem are symbols of our country that men/women died for while wearing  The Uniform . You can bet a military veteran would never stoop so low as to dishonor the symbols that represent us. I'm 82, and was Honorably Discharged in 1958, and yet I still have pictures and other memorabilia that I've kept all these years so that I never forget my time in the military, and you can bet there are many more just like me. When I leave the houe for errands I always have on my raggedy Air Force ball cap and my faded and stained Air Force sweatshirt.

Whenever a vet sees a story of a flag desecration or a "kneeling" during the National Anthem, or refusing to place their hand over their heart to say the Pledge you can bet the very first words they utter are, "Bet that jerk never wore The Uniform. 

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Hate just won't work

While the overwhelming majority of us don't like to admit it, we've all hidden a little bit of that hatred thing deep in the black part of our heart or brain. I must admit that I am certainly one of those "short-term" carriers of hate. I hate when my favorite teams lose. I hate Satan. I hate that guy that just cut me off on the freeway, even though I don't know him.

I'm sure you noticed that for whatever the ridiculous reason, when you harbor some hatred you can't think logically, can't communicate with reason, and maybe the most harmful; you often say things when you harbor hatred that later you want  to take back and/or apologize for your hatred.

Of course there are many Americans that just our of pure hatred would not vote for President Trump. Americans have been witness to decades upon decades of political debates, disagreements, and some pretty strong verbage in their arguementative states. However, never has there been so much outpouring of partisan hatred than there is now.

Most Americans, like it or not, have been willing to accept the discourse between the Congressional leaders. We've even learned to joke about it. For example, while President Trump has committed no "high crime or misdemeanor" there is still ongoing dialogue among the lib Democrat party that call for his impeachment every time a lib Dem gets up to speak.

But really, most of us pay little attention to the likes of Pelosi and Schumer when they stand up to speak. They are really mindless. Not that long ago they were crying for the removal of FBI Director Comey. Now he's become their shinning knight in armor spearheading an impeachment.

No, I'm aiming my disdain and disrespect toward the media and the Hollywood elite. These two groups are actually enjoying the splashing of hatred they show our President. CNN and MSNBC actually go on nationall TV and call for the assassination of our President.  "F-bombs" are being thrown around like it was the first word in the dictionary.

Madonna wants to burn the White House down, Kathy Griffin and Snoop Dog have videos out showing their slaughter of our President. The annual Shakespeare's play-in-the-park depicts the stabbing of our President. Whoopi, Joy, and Rosie even attack the 11-year old son of the President.  Impeachment is being screamed all day in the media, and supported by certain members of the lib Dem party.

Wouldn't it be great if the millions of us that voted for President Trump had an equal time voice on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC? Wouldn't it be great if us "deplorables" could speak out in the media about our support of our 45th. President? Of course that will never happen, but the media and Hollywood actually think that ALL of America really believe what these idiots spew out.

There's a big difference between venting and accomplishing something. I asked a Trump-hater the other day why he spews out so much hatred for our President. He responded with "I'm venting and it makes me feel good".   When I asked him what was he doing to stop the flow of hatred, and doesn't he want hate division to stop, he just responded, "No, I want the hatred to flow in the streets so much that Trump gets impeached".

These President Trump hate mongers don't realize how powerful us "deplorable" Americans are.  Yes, our strong and great power will be silent, but our roar in the 2018 and 2020 voting booths will be deafening. You will hear us speak out then.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)