I don't know if I'm blessed or cursed with this above average memory of mine, nevertheless it's mine, and I'm stuck with it.
I remember very vividly in 1994 when my daughter and grandson came to visit me, so her and I could watch the jury's verdict in the O.J. trial. Both of us, like millions of other Americans, had been very diligent in following every TV broadcast of the trial.
I remember my daughter trying to stop my 3-year old grandson from jumping up and down on the couch as the jury was filing in, and we were glued to the TV, anxiously awaiting the verdict. That 3-year old is now ready to graduate from Pre-Med at Duke, and select a medical school. Yeah, I'm that old; 80 in May.
I also remember extremely vividly when three African-American jurors were interviewed after the trial. Their exact quoted words were, "in our heart of hearts we knew O.J. was guilty, but we just sendin' the White folks a message".
Then subsequently came the African-American that fired his weapon into a police officer, slaying him, and he's now teaching classes at a university.
Then came the New Black Panthers during the 2008 presidential campaign when they threatened White voters flashing their batons as they entered a voting booth in Philadelphia.
Well, I'm not saying "karma's a bit**", or "what goes around comes around", but then appeared on the scene the Zimmerman-Martin trial. Then the grand jury ruling in Ferguson. And now the grand jury decision in New York about Eric Garner.
All we're getting from the Barry-Sharpton show is rioting and looting. If I had a dollar for every White that rioted after the O.J. trial I'd be broke. I haven't heard or seen any broadcasting outside of Fox, that asks, why didn't Mike Brown and Eric Garner just OBEY THE LAW. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC's Sharpton will ever address that question.
Even with several African-American witnesses stating that Mike Brown did not raise his hands in a surrendering gesture, everywhere the protesters are running rampant with their hands raised.
With every hand raising gesture they are just fortifying the lie supplied by Sharpton and his mob gangs.
Last week, while driving through Virgina after a family visit, I was driving over the speed limit. And there it was, the infamous flashing lights behind me. When the officer approached I rolled down my window, obeyed all his instructions in my very low subdued voice. He issued me a citation, and away I drove with my wife reminding me what an idiot I was for speeding.
And with my blessed/cursed memory I never forgot what my father said to me at dinner one night when I was a high school senior. I was telling the family how cool our field trip to the jail was, as we were studying law in our Civics class. The police officer picked me out to show the class how perpetrators are finger printed, mugged, and walked to the cell.
I was telling mom, dad, and my sisters how cool it was to be in a jail cell. Dad just scowled at me and said, "you think that's funny"? Before I could even respond Dad further said, "if you ever get picked up for breaking the law and get thrown in jail...let me warn you...you'll be safer in that cell...don't let me come for you".
I'm 79 years young, and those words have never left me. Other than some parking and a few speeding tickets I'm proud to pray to my Dad and tell him I have never broken the law. My point in this is Mike Brown had a father, step-father, and his mother's boyfriend in his life, and yet no one could teach this young man.....JUST OBEY THE LAW.
Store owners in New York had been calling the police authorities complaining that Eric Garner was chasing patrons away from buying cigarettes by selling single cigarettes on their streets without a license and not paying taxes as designated by federal law. Instead Eric Garner just flat out refused to JUST OBEY THE LAW. Did I mention that Eric Garner had a long police record?
Has anyone else noticed that since Barry Soetero has been in office the race relations in this country are worse off now than ever before? Oh, we're not done with rioting and looting, but I strongly feel good Americans are starting to push back a little more now. Yeah, karma can be a bit**, and what goes around just may come around.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops