CONGRATULATIONS to all who voted to help oust the evil Dingy Harry Reid from the Senate majority leader's role. We did it! And to throw a little more fuel on the fire, it appears we're going to add Louisiana and Alaska to the roles soon.
While mainly focused on election results from Fox, I did do my share of channel-surfing to get the election result views from other networks. I must say it was almost as entertaining as the election results to watch and listen to the left leaning liberal stations with their meager attempts supporting their views of how the election was supposed to take place.
Of course much entertainment was provided to me by the gang over at MSNBC. Well, what did anyone expect with the line-up of Maddow, Matthews, Mitchell, Todd, Schultz, and my all time dunce favorite, good old marble-mouth Sharpton?
With spittle flying from his mouth the leg-tingler himself, Chrissy Matthews, would not concede. It was so laughable. Even after there were five declared "flips" to the Republican candidates, the old leg-tingler kept spitting out "I still see a sliver of hope....we can take Virginia, probably Alaska, and if Landreau wins the December run-off, then maybe we can just hang on to the Senate."
The MSNBC gang had predicted a 53-45 victory for their beloved Democats during the evening, even when the results of GOP victories started pouring in. Then Joni Earnst from Iowa took us to the magic number of six the Republicans needed to win control of the Senate, and I quickly switched over to the gang at MSNBC. They were still reluctant to call a victory for the GOP, and were among the last of the networks to do so. Why NBC hasn't shut down that disappointment is beyond the comprehension of millions of Americans.
And maybe the very most entertaining for me came the very day after the election results, and is still going on. It is actually hilarious. Dear old kinky-haired Debbie Washerwoman Schultz spoke up to say, "Our Democratic views are still what the American people want". Really, Debbie? Did you watch the results from another planet?
Then our dear wind-tunneled face Nancy Pelosi says, "This is not a flow of's just a little ebb for now". And even after Barry Soetero wants Sharpton to "help" him to get along with the new SOP Senate, what does the Rev do? He goes on his MSNBC show and announces to his very few viewers that he will "continue to fight against all GOP policies while they have control of the Senate".
Also, will someone explain to me what Barry Soetero meant when he said, "To the two-thirds of you who didn't vote...I hear you". What is that supposed to mean? Is he threatening these two-thirds? Is he going to cut off their entitlements? Talk about very, very poor losers.
OK, enough; no more resting on our laurels. We have a 2016 election to prepare for so we can take back America's White House, and keep the House and Senate in the good hands of the Republican Party.
NOTE: As a side note, I'll be starting an added phase of Politics with Pete with video blogs, starting Tuesday, November 11, 2014. Please keep an eye and ear out for it.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.