Sunday, June 5, 2016

Poor babies

Finally, the American people have a bona-fide spokesperson standing up to the media for them.
How many times have we heard or said ourselves, 'Darn media...who believes them anymore"?
The credibility of today's media now has an approval rating of less than 40%, and guess's about time. Like the Bible says, "You shall reap what you sow".

How many times has each one of us wanted to challenge ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC?
Well, we finally have a voice telling the media how we all feel. And he's not afraid of them. Donald Trump is just plain saying it like it is, and the media just can't stand it.

Trump believes the media are just another left wing liberal progressive group that refuses to report the news fairly to the American people. It seems that the more that the media spreads lies the more the American people are viewing Trump as a leader that is needed today to combat the lying media.

Yesterday, Barry Soetero, reading from his infamous teleprompter, lied again to the American people. He said our economy is doing better than it's been in decades, and unemployment, under his watch is now 4.7%. The truth is that the economy is doing worse than ever during this administration. 

Last month only 38,000 jobs were created, and over 500,000 workers left the workforce and the unemployment roles. This equates the true unemployment at 9.7%, but you can bet the media will not report this true fact. Add the increasing number of Americans that are on welfare and food stamps that the media will not report.

Americans have listened to the media lies for over seven years now as it relates to Barry Soetero and Hillary Clinton, and the more the media spread lies about Trump the more he pushes back with the support of most Americans.

Trump is not afraid of the media, and at his last press conference he "told it like it is".  He referred to many arms of the news media as "sleazes". One reporter, trying to make himself a victim asked Trump, "is this how you're going to act towards the media if you are elected President"? Trump, replied with just one word, "yes".

Trump is not afraid of the media. It's just that plain and simple, and the overwhelming majority of Americans are loving it, and becoming more supportive of Trump and emboldened against the lying and corrupt media. Recently the State Department was caught editing and lying regarding the Iran nuclear deal, but ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC never reported it.

With the corrupt email scandals and corrupt donations to her charity America knows Hillary belongs in jail for abusing her power while Secretary of State. Not only will the media fail to report these corrupt acts by Hillary, they are praising her and trying to elevate her to the Oval office. Does anyone agree that if Barry Soetero were a White Republican he would've never made it in 2008? And does anyone agree that if Hillary were a Republican she's be in jail?

That "nudge" that the media and the lying and corrupt politicians are feeling now is the pushback by Americans. Yes, we have finally, totally, and completely awakened. As our great President Lincoln said, "You can't fool all the people all the time".  America is just not taking it any longer.  Notice how the media are starting to cry in their beers as more of their lies and refusals to tell America the truth are finally catching up to them?

America's way of showing their disdain and utter disrespect for the media and the corrupt and lying media is by overtly telling the media that the respect is not longer there for them, and by refusing to believe anything the media reports. While ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC continue their vicious attacks on Trump, it seems the Trump machine is getting stronger and stronger, and growing. Change is definitely right around the corner.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please also follow me on my You Tube videos, "Politics with Pete".)

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