Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The "other" race

I consider myself a proud White man, a Caucasian. Of course, having both parents born in Italy, I also  consider myself a proud first generation Italian-American. But most of all I pride myself on being a proud and loyal U.S. Constitution believer.

Today there is so much division between Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, American Indians, and Asian-Americans, to the point where crimes and violence have broken out between these races more than ever before in our great country since the Civil War. Does anyone but me think that just maybe Barry Soetero had anything to do with this?

This is the great country of America where all races are acknowledged and accepted. Yeah, well lately it seems all races except the Caucasian race. Today, it seems to be completely politically correct (PC), you must be anti-White. And oh yes, if you're not anti-White, then you are certainly a racist. Ask Sharpton.

The PC crowd, heavily supported by the progressive left-wing liberal media wants only to have everyone to think KKK when relating to "Whitey". Sharpton, the main stream media, and yes, the Black Lives Matter movement want you to believe that "Whitey" is the cause of all problems facing America today. They scream this while we have a Black president in office. Even Barry's husband Michael spoke at a college commencement  that "Whites were the basis of all racial problems."

Of course we accept and celebrate all the holidays, parades, and acknowledgments surrounding African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Indian-Americans, and Asian-Americans. Rightfully so, we especially honor the outstanding people of these races that have contributed to the success and growth of our great country. There are many to name here, and we will always honor them as loyal contributors.

But where does it say or decree that we cannot honor the Caucasian race. I am a proud White Caucasian, and do not want to be discriminated against. Today there are major universities that have created "safe spaces" within the school walls that is supposed to be a safe haven for minorities to isolate them from Caucasians, or as they say, "the evil Whitey".

There is even a major university in America that has established an "African-American ONLY"
fraternity. Can you imagine if a major university organized a "White Only" fraternity? That school would be bombarded with the likes of Sharpton and Jessee Jackson, and most likely even Barry.

Years ago there was a Million Black men march on D.C.  While some jokes were made the march went unopposed and there were no arrests or violent outbursts. I can just imagine if Caucasians organized a Million White men march on D.C.  

I've always felt that when an 18-year old graduates from high school they should be mandated to serve a minimum of two years in the military. I spent four years in the U.S. Air Force living in barracks with many, many American service men/women from all ethnic backgrounds. It was one of the greatest educations about our great "melting pot" country that I ever experienced. I learned much about other cultures that made this country great.

I will always stand proud to be a Caucasian, but more proud to be an American. We need to get back to that......NOW!! Caucasians are not "the other race".

And that's Politics with Pete for today. God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

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