Sunday, February 17, 2013

It's my right

Fellow TPC'ers I'm going to exercise my First Amendment rights, much in the same way the gang at MSNBC does, along with HBO's Pig Maher, Farrakhan, Letterman, and many other names that I could fill up this blog with.

Let's start with some common knowledge; in the people's White House there is living a radical Muslim-Socialist that is strongly leaning toward the teaching's of Hitler.  Remember Hitler's strong belief was that only police and his military should have arms. Eventually Hitler was victorious in having citizens banned from carrying arms, much like Obama is currently attempting to do.

Right now, as I'm typing this someone is assaulted with a gun in Obie's home town of Chicago, which has the strictest gun laws in the country. Chicago's "fish-man"Emanuel keeps enforcing strong gun laws; but the only problem is criminals don't pay any attention to his laws.

Our U.S. Marine Corps is one of the greatest fighting unit this country has ever known, and arguablyy the world, has ever seen, and how does Obie show them respect? In his inaugurable parade last month he saw to it that the rifle bolts were removed from every rifle carried by Marines in the parade. What does that tell you about how he wants to desecrate our military?

If the leg man Matthews from MSNBC can intimate that we should abolish the first two amendments of our Constitution, then I certainly have the right to call Matthews an un-American Socialist that needs a trip to the dentist to fix his teeth, so he doesn't spit all over the camera during his programs, while he's spewing lies and personal attacks.

If Dave Letterman, on national TV, can claim that during the seventh inning stretch of a Yankees game a Yankee player impregnated Sarah Palins's daughter, the I guess I can say; this from a man that has a criteria to all females on his staff, "you can only work for me if you have sex with me".

Pig Maher, on national TV, claimed a sexual act was performed on Sarah Palin's daughter and a baby popped out. Only he said it in a more disgusting vile way. Can you imagine if Maher was a Republlican and said that about Michelle? The only way the Pig-man got away with it is because he donated one million dollars to Obie's campaign.

And speaking of donations, Obie is so corrupt he's actually allowing Facebook NOT to have to pay any income taxes, and yes, oh yes, Facebook is actually getting over $400.million in a tax refund. Now would you believe me if I wrote that Facebook is a big donor to Obie. Sure you would.

Louis Farrakhan claims the blood of Blacks flowing in the gutters of Chicago is the fault of the Whites. Really "Bongo Louie"? If the blood of Whites were flowing in the gutters of Chicago would you blame the Blacks? I don't think so. This from a man who's only claim to fame is he's got a loud deep voice and can play the bongo drums.

Remember then Stalin was the Czar of Russia? He was living like the supreme dictator, like the Messia that Obie is yearning to become. At the time the citizens of the USSR were living in filth and poverty. Reminds me of our economic situation today; John/Jane Doe probably celebrated Valentine's Day with a bowl of popcorn and a Neflix movie. You know what Obie and his "Michelle my belle" did on Valentine's Day don't you? They spent $9,000. of our taxpayer's money to have a beautiful cozy dinner at an exclusive restaurant. Yeah, he's for the middle class.

During the Christmas Holidays Obie took his belle Michelle and his children to Hawaii for a holiday vacation. That was less that 45 days ago. That cost us taxpayers well into the millions. Do you know what the Obamas are doing this weekend. Well the belle Michelle and the girls are flying without Obie to Aspen, Colorado for some fun in the snow. Of course, not to be outdone, Obie is spending the weekend in Florida golfing with Tiger or Tiger's coach, or both. Wonder how many millions that's going to cost us.

This man has no right whatsoever to claim he's the leader of our middle class. Just a few days ago he was complaining that he could not do more because he was "just a President, not a dictator". I mean come on Obie, is that the excuse you're using for screwing up our country?

TPC'ers don't get complacent because our website is growing so fast. We've got so much more to do. We're up against the liberal media of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC, plus the money of the radicals headed up by Soros and Adrienne Huffington. 

It's up to us at the TPC to get the word out. Don't expect the media, except for Fox, to report that we now have thirty states that are suing to opt out of Obamacare. Don't expect the medi to report that the CBO has reported there really are no funds to promote health coverage for pre-existing health conditions, that was promised by Obie and his sidekick Pelosi. It's up to us to get this word to the public before the vote in 2014.

Hitler and Stalin, along with their media, contaminated the masses with lies and false promises so much that they eventually believed it. In 1776 the first publication of "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire", was authored by Edward Gibbon. I read this book as a 20-year old, and now at 77 I'm reading it again. I strongly urge everyone to read it, then think of Hitler and Stalin, and then think of what Obie is trying to do today.

We have a big fight ahead of us folks. Don't let this man and his "army" take our country away from us.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.


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